Behave beautifully and intelligently as a sophisticated world-class lady

International Social Etiquette and Protocol Programme for ladies

- The Elegance Touch -

The epitome of education from a prestigious British finishing school, the International Etiquette program serves as the bedrock of global protocol, thoughtfully tailored to empower women seeking to refine their intellect and grace.

Comprehensive Programmes & Certificates

  1. General Courses
  2. Global Specialist Programmes
  3. Accreditation
  4. Franchise Licence


The programme is based on what is imparted in English finishing schools. Content varies from class to class. The final syllabus is handed out on the first day of the course.

  • Foundations of elegant social etiquette and protocol study
  • History and religion (world and Japan) to be ready
  • Differences between western and Japanese etiquette and protocol
  • How to make an elegant first impression internationally
  • Elegant protocol of greetings and introduction
  • Protocol for titles and honorifics
  • Elegant deportment in social situations
  • International body language and science and protocol to follow
  • How to behave elegantly in international networking and networking protocol
  • Elegant personal images for social occasions
  • Dress-codes protocol
  • Elegant personal image and colour science and protocol 
  • Protocol to host your elegant events
  • Social event elegant etiquette following protocol
  • How to socialise elegantly in social occasions
  • Elegant art of table in social occasions (4 kinds of western styles and Japanese)
  • The art of conversation in different social occasions
  • Public speaking in social occasions
  • Elegant letters and invitations in social occasions, following protocol
  • Traditional English afternoon tea in social occasions 
  • Wine studies and bar etiquette following protocol
  • Wedding funeral protocol
  • Cross-cultural awareness and international protocol
  • Psychology, rhetoric and global thinking skills
  • Personal management
  • Online etiquette
  • More than above

The International Protocol Accreditation Association examinations are also available.

Elegantly transformed inside and out

Join the Online Open Academy to experience as the first step

ICPA’s International Etiquette Programme, originally an accredited course in the UK, is a comprehensive training programme in International Etiquette and tastes with a focus on the West.

After completing the course, you will be able to acquire an internationally acceptable way of thinking, behaving and behaving with confidence.

Learning international etiquette, culture and protocol is a magnificent opportunity for personal, professional and spiritual growth. It is not only about skills, but also about learning the spirit of respect and understanding of others, and the great sense of happiness and spiritual enrichment that comes from independent self-discipline.

International etiquette and protocol are of paramount importance in a diverse world. Courtesy, open-mindedness, knowledge and education not only help us to avoid discomfort, mistakes and major problems caused by ignorance to others, but also to lead a beautiful and radiant life, both inside and out, while giving us confidence in ourselves.

Improve your intelligence, beauty and dignity, improve the quality of your life with confidence, make yourself and those around you happier and alter your view of the world.

Voices of the students

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The study was much more powerful and content-rich than the beginner’s level. In my fourth year of working, I was wondering how to deal with people from overseas as my company was doing business with them, when I fatefully came across the ICPA. I spent a year studying International Etiquette and Manners culture from beginner to advanced level. After learning, I realised that it was very significant to learn International Etiquette and Manners culture at ICPA from three different perspectives.

The ICPA is aware of the problems with this situation and focuses on providing learning opportunities for young people. Learning etiquette and manners cannot be achieved overnight. We feel that it is valuable to have an environment where these skills are taught from an early stage, as they will be useful for a long time in the future.

Read Student’s Blog

Video Speeches

Video Speeches


Rika Kinoshita (26)

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It is of course recommended for those, like me, who say they are worried about communicating with people from other countries, and also a good opportunity for those who are naturally confident in Western etiquette and communication to test their skills.

As each male and female has their own role to play, both women and men will be able to learn about the content of your course.
The knowledge will definitely give you an advantage at some point in your career.

I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to make themselves shine even more, including those who are not confident at the moment.

I would like to thank you again for the wonderful learning experience.

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Acquire beauty and confidence and inspire


"Attain authentic beauty and grace while becoming a source of inspiration for others."

Mari Cecilia Murata
