Japanese Business Etiquette and Cross-cultural communication

The Art of Japanese Corporate Decorum

Japanese Business Etiquette, Protocol and InterCultural Programme

- The Bushido Business -

Programme Structure

Each level is designed to be completed in approximately 30 hours of face-to-face instruction. The programme is flexible and can be customised to meet individual or group needs.

  • Course Introduction and Overview of Japanese Business Culture
  • Japanese History, Religion, and Cultural Comparison with the World
    • Basics of Japanese history and religion
    • Influence on business culture
    • Key differences with world cultures
  • Fundamentals of Intercultural Communication
    • High-context vs low-context cultures
    • Basic concepts of cultural adaptation
    • Practical approaches and considerations
  • Basic Business Manners and Protocol
    • Fundamentals of bowing
    • Detailed business card exchange etiquette
  • Basics of Business Communication
    • Greetings and self-introduction
    • Basic business Japanese and honorifics
  • Office Etiquette
    • Seating arrangements, movement, and personal grooming
    • Basic behaviour in one’s own company and when visiting others
  • Business Communication Tools
    • Telephone and email etiquette
    • Basics of business documents
  • Fundamentals of Japanese-style Meetings
    • Preparation, participation, and follow-up
  • Basics of Building Business Relationships
    • Interactions with superiors, colleagues, subordinates, and business partners
  • Japanese Business Etiquette Dos & Don’ts
    • Summary of learnt content
    • Specific Dos & Don’ts for various situations
    • Common mistakes and how to address them
  • Beginner’s Course Review and Practical Exercises


  1. Intermediate Business Japanese and Communication
    • Advanced honorifics
    • Non-verbal communication
    • Japanese silent communication
      • Cultural background and meaning of silence
      • Interpreting and responding to silence in business settings
      • Effective use of silence
  2. Business Documents and Presentations
    • Detailed document creation
    • Japanese-style presentation etiquette
  3. Japanese Decision-making and Business Processes
    • Nemawashi and ringi system
    • Concepts of teamwork and ‘wa’ (harmony)
  4. Business Negotiations and Entertainment
    • Japanese approach and intercultural considerations
    • Etiquette and flow of business entertainment
  5. Building Relationships with Japanese Companies
    • Importance and methods of building long-term relationships
    • Techniques for fostering trust
    • Building inter-company networks
    • Responding to expectations and demands specific to Japanese companies
  6. Japanese Corporate Culture and Practices
    • Understanding and navigating drinking culture
    • Seasonal greetings and events (ochugen, oseibo, nengajo, etc.)
  7. Managing Intercultural Teams
    • Respecting diversity whilst maintaining unity
    • Effective collaboration with Japanese team members
  8. Cultural Considerations in Business
    • Considerations for religion, taboos, and customs
    • Responding to Japan-specific business practices
  9. Changes in Modern Japanese Society and Business
    • Evolution of business etiquette
    • Adapting to new work styles
  10. Intermediate Course Practical Exercises
    • Case studies and role-playing
    • Summary and application of learnt content
  • Japanese Culture in Global Business
    • Overseas expansion of Japanese companies
    • Cultural challenges and adaptation strategies
  • Advanced Business Negotiations and Conflict Resolution
    • Complex negotiation scenarios
    • Problem-solving considering cultural backgrounds
  • Crisis Management and Corporate Communication
    • Japanese approach and international perspectives
    • Apology etiquette and practice
  • Global Project Management
    • International application of Japanese methods
    • Operating cross-cultural project teams
  • Innovation and Japanese Corporate Culture
    • Fusion of tradition and innovation
    • Japanese approaches to fostering creativity
  • Leadership and Human Resource Development
    • Integration of Japanese and global leadership styles
    • Strategies for developing global talent
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics
    • Harmonising Japanese values with global standards
    • Sustainable business practices
  • Future of Japanese Business
    • Impact of technology and globalisation
    • Fusion of traditional values and modern business requirements
  • Advanced Business Protocol and Intercultural Negotiation
    • Interaction with high-ranking officials, behaviour at formal events
    • Communication strategies in complex intercultural situations
  • Fundamentals of Diplomatic Etiquette
    • Comparison of international etiquette and traditional Japanese etiquette
    • Protocols in diplomacy and international business
    • Etiquette at international conferences and summits
    • Cultural sensitivity and diplomatic tact
    • Case studies: Avoiding and managing international faux pas

ICPA Features To Support Your Learning Journey

We do not just teach etiquette; we guide you through a transformative experience of Japanese culture. Our programme is designed to nurture your cultural intelligence, helping you navigate the nuances of Japanese society with confidence and authenticity.

  • Access to our state-of-the-art training facilities
  • Immersive cultural experiences in authentic Japanese settings
  • Complimentary refreshments during sessions
  • Practical dining etiquette sessions with authentic Japanese cuisine
  • 24/7 access to our online learning platform
  • Comprehensive slide decks for review
  • Supplementary study materials
  • Interactive lesson quizzes
  • Pre-course and post-course assessments
  • Personalized progress reports
  • One-on-one consultations with cultural experts
  • Access to our global social platform for students
  • Detailed course workbook
  • Handouts and reference guides
  • Official ICPA course completion certificate
  • Digital badge for your professional profiles
  • Regular updates to course materials
  • Access to the latest information on Japanese etiquette and culture
  • Comprehensive instructor’s manual (for those in the Specialist Programme)
  • Exclusive access to our Specialist social platform
  • All instructional materials for teaching Japanese etiquette
  • Full video recordings of all lessons for review
  • Interactive virtual etiquette practice sessions
Note: Features may vary depending on the specific course and level chosen. Please refer to individual course descriptions for a detailed list of inclusions.

"Acquire The Essential Secrets Of Achieving Success In Business With Japan."

“Japanese business etiquette and protocol are the cornerstones of professional trust and success. This programme will equip you with the refined skills essential for navigating the Japanese business world with confidence and cultural intelligence.”

Mari Cecilia Murata – Principal 

Why Attend Our Japanese Business Etiquette Course?

Cultivating Excellence in Japanese Business Etiquette

ICPA’s Japanese Business Etiquette and Protocol Programme is meticulously crafted for international professionals aspiring to thrive in the Japanese corporate sphere.

This programme offers a structured approach to mastering the subtle yet crucial behaviours and protocols essential for successful business engagements in Japan, ensuring efficient acquisition of these vital skills.

Japanese business etiquette, deeply rooted in cultural traditions, can be intricate to navigate without immersive experience in Japan. Our programme provides the key to understanding Japan’s unique corporate ethos, renowned for its emphasis on harmony, respect, and nuanced communication.

Through this comprehensive curriculum, you will develop the ability to gracefully manage complex business scenarios, understand the unspoken rules governing Japanese corporate interactions, and master the art of group consensus-building.

In an era of increasing global interconnectedness, the refined soft skills and cultural acumen honed through this programme are invaluable assets for international business communication. Mastery of Japanese business etiquette not only enhances your global competency but also paves the way for profound cross-cultural professional relationships.

Ready to Excel in Japanese Business?

Embark on Your Journey to Business Excellence in Japan Cultivate Sophisticated Business Acumen Rooted in Japanese Tradition – Where Precision Meets Harmony