International Protocol Executive Diplomacy Programme

Higher diplomacy in international etiquette, international business and diplomacy essential for global elites

International Protocol Executive Diplomacy Programme

Do you need everything for social, business, and diplomatic occasions?

International Protocol on Diplomacy

Are you a diplomat, politician or country representative, a company representative or embassy official, or involved in international business and need first-class diplomatic techniques? Or do you deal with global celebrities and need first class taste?

Then what you need is International Protocol Executive Diplomacy Programme.

International protocol is an agreement between large organisations, such as countries and countries, or cities and cities. It is also a set of rules for diplomacy, including morals such as cultural understanding, manners and consideration.

As the highest level of diplomatic training, it is an essential skill for all those involved in diplomacy.

International Protocol Executive Diplomacy Programme will equip you with a complete set of diplomatic skills and enhance your diplomatic career.

The top protocol studies designed for elites

- The World Elite -

International Protocol and Executive Diplomacy Programme

This programme is structured to facilitate the gradual acquisition of international protocol and diplomatic skills through three levels: Foundation, Intermediate, and Advanced. Each level comprises six modules, providing approximately 25 hours of learning time in total.

Module 1: Fundamentals of International Protocol (5 hours)

  • Orientation and knowledge assessment
  • Foundations of international protocol studies
  • Distinguishing between protocol and etiquette
  • History and religion (global and Japanese contexts)
  • Comparing global standard international protocol with Japanese protocol

Module 2: Global Social Manners and Etiquette (4 hours)

  • International Social Etiquette
  • International Business Manners
  • Cross-cultural understanding and international protocol

Module 3: Essential Diplomatic Skills (4 hours)

  • Cultivating a dignified first impression as a world leader
  • Diplomatic international protocol for greetings and introductions
  • Protocol for titles and honorifics

Module 4: Body Language and Deportment (4 hours)

  • Proper deportment in diplomatic settings
  • International body language science and protocol adherence

Module 5: Personal Image and Dress Code (4 hours)

  • Developing an elite personal image for global leaders
  • First-class dress code protocol for global leaders
  • Colour science and protocol

Module 6: Table Manners and Course Completion (4 hours)

  • Diplomatic table manners (4 Western styles and Japanese)
  • Final assessment and completion ceremony

Module 1: Advanced Diplomatic Communication (5 hours)

  • Orientation and progress check
  • Diplomatic conversation skills for global leaders
  • Public speaking for global leaders
  • Intercultural communication

Module 2: Diplomatic Networking and Events (4 hours)

  • Global networking in diplomatic international protocol
  • Hosting noble VIP events: diplomatic international protocol

Module 3: Diplomatic Correspondence and Invitations (4 hours)

  • Crafting diplomatic documents and invitations according to protocol
  • International etiquette for letters and emails

Module 4: Diplomatic Escorting and Social Graces (4 hours)

  • Escort protocol in diplomacy
  • Social graces in high-society settings adhering to protocol
  • Global leader’s conduct in social and diplomatic occasions

Module 5: Ceremonies and Rituals (4 hours)

  • Ceremonial protocol
  • Western protocol for weddings and funerals
  • Flag protocol

Module 6: Practical Exercises and Course Completion (4 hours)

  • Diplomatic simulation exercises
  • Final assessment and completion ceremony

Module 1: Global Leadership and Psychology (5 hours)

  • Orientation and progress check
  • Psychology, rhetoric, and global thinking skills for global leaders
  • Advanced cross-cultural protocol and international etiquette

Module 2: International Event Planning and Hosting (4 hours)

  • Planning and executing large-scale multinational events
  • VIP guest management and cultural considerations

Module 3: State Visits and High-Level Diplomacy (4 hours)

  • Protocol for state visits
  • Summit and international conference protocol

Module 4: Crisis Management and Diplomatic Negotiation (4 hours)

  • Protocol and response in diplomatic crises
  • Advanced techniques in international negotiations

Module 5: Contemporary Diplomatic Challenges (4 hours)

  • Online protocol in diplomacy
  • Diplomatic communication in the digital age
  • Sustainability and environmental considerations in diplomatic protocol

Module 6: Comprehensive Practice and Course Completion (4 hours)

  • Simulation of complex diplomatic scenarios
  • Practising personal management and leadership
  • Final assessment and graduation ceremony

The International Protocol Accreditation Association examinations are also available.

ICPA Features To Support Your Learning Journey

We do not just teach etiquette; we guide you through a transformative experience of global culture. Our programme is designed to nurture your cultural intelligence, helping you navigate the nuances of global society with confidence and authenticity.

  • Access to our state-of-the-art training facilities
  • Immersive cultural experiences in authentic settings
  • Complimentary refreshments during sessions
  • Practical dining etiquette sessions with authentic cuisine
  • 24/7 access to our online learning platform
  • Comprehensive slide decks for review
  • Supplementary study materials
  • Interactive lesson quizzes
  • Pre-course and post-course assessments
  • Personalized progress reports
  • One-on-one consultations with cultural experts
  • Access to our global social platform for students
  • Detailed course workbook
  • Handouts and reference guides
  • Official ICPA course completion certificate
  • Digital badge for your professional profiles
  • Regular updates to course materials
  • Access to the latest information on etiquette, culture, and protocol
  • Comprehensive instructor’s manual (for those in the Specialist Programme)
  • Exclusive access to our Specialist social platform
  • All instructional materials for teaching global etiquette and International protocol (and Japanese ones)
  • Full video recordings of all lessons for review
  • Interactive virtual etiquette practice sessions
Note: Features may vary depending on the specific course and level chosen. Please refer to individual course descriptions for a detailed list of inclusions.

Learn international protocol

As a world citizen elite leader

International Protocol Executive Diplomacy Programme is an executive version of the internationally developed International Protocol Programme.

Participants who complete International Protocol Executive Diplomacy Programme will be equipped with the knowledge and etiquette of international protocol essential to diplomacy and will be able to aspire to higher positions in the international community.

This programme is not only dedicated to diplomacy, but also includes international social etiquette, international business protocol and intercultural theory, and is ICPA’s premier enrichment training programme. This programme is suitable for those who wish to acquire a full range of skills.

International protocol refers to the customs, rules and etiquette that govern interactions between states and their representatives, including diplomatic missions and officials.

It includes diplomatic privileges, etiquette during visits by heads of state and government, etiquette during official visits by ministers and others, the use of the national flag and anthem, and the etiquette of international conferences and meetings. The purpose of international protocol is to ensure that interactions between states are orderly, respectful and conducive to the achievement of diplomatic objectives.

This includes

  • The use of diplomatic titles and designations
  • The presentation of credentials by the new ambassador
  • The organisation and protocol of official visits, such as state visits and official meetings
  • International protocol on the raising and lowering of flags
  • International Protocol on Diplomatic Privileges
  • International Convention for the Protection of
  • Diplomatic Institutions and Personnel
  • Rules and customs governing diplomatic gifts and ceremonies, including gifts and credentials between heads of state and government.

It is mandatory for these individuals.

  • Diplomats and embassy staff who represent their country in foreign countries and interact with local officials and representatives of other countries.
  • Heads of state and government officials who may represent their country on official visits to other countries or attend international conferences and meetings.
  • Business leaders and executives who interact with foreign government officials or conduct business abroad.
  • Military personnel who may be involved in international operations or interact with foreign military personnel.
  • Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and other groups interacting with international organisations or representatives of other countries.
  • Anyone else who needs to interact with people from other countries in a general, official or professional capacity, or who represents their country at international events.

Be Successful As Global Elite